Garrett is still not talking hardly at all. It's gotten to the point where it's almost all that I can think about! I'm now writing friends for suggestions and opinions and one of my best friends, Amber, told me about a girl we went to school with and how she's a Speech Therapist.. so I shot her a message on Facebook to see what she thinks. We took Garrett for a well-baby checkup last month when he was 20 months and I brought it up to the doctor... but he didn't seem concerned much. He just thinks it's because Garrett isn't in daycare, doesn't have much interaction with children, and his Daddy isn't a big talker either..so it tends to be sort of quiet around here a lot. But I can't help but worry. I can repeat like a broken record all day, but can't get him to say anything! It's driving me CRAZY. And anytime I look at Parenting magazines or hear/see that a child way younger than Garrett is HAVING CONVERSATIONS.. It makes me upset, sad, angry, and a million other words. I'm just ready to know FOR SURE if he's a "late bloomer" or if something is wrong. Please keep him in your prayers!!!
Brandon is still loving his job and we love having him home every night! It's made things a lot easier. The insurance, pay, and everything is SO MUCH BETTER!! We are so thankful for his job!!!
One of Brandon's best friends since they were babies, Heath, was burned nearly two months ago when he was called out to a gas location for a faulty pump and it exploded on him. He's at LSU in Shreveport and has been in ICU since day one. He's got a long road ahead of him, but we are so thankful he's being such a strong guy and really pulling through!!! He has the biggest support system LSU nurses have ever seen!! Heath's sister, April, writes about this journey every couple of days and I sob with almost every story - she is an AMAZING writer. I wish I could tell stories like she does!!! I wanted to share her blog for anyone who may want to read or pass it along - Heath still needs many of prayers so please keep him in your prayers as well!! Here is April's blog link:
On my last post, I was debating on what I needed to do - cakes or photography or what. Cakes were totally consuming my weeks and weekends! I've decided to stop taking orders for a bit and get back to learning photography - after all, I do have an amazing little man that I need to be taking pictures of... If I could ever get him to sit still!!! I have so much to learn, but I'm so excited about it. I love capturing memories. Making cakes did help bring in a little extra cash, but right now.. it's just not worth it to me.. especially for the time and effort it takes.. Not to mention the time I need to be spending with Garrett and practicing on his speech!
My Granddaddy is still doing chemo. Initially it was only supposed to be about four, three week rounds of it.. but he's been dehydrated a lot because he doesn't like drinking much fluids.. He's always been that way! We try to push it on him but you know how it is when you don't want something to eat or drink.. it's hard to force yourself to drink or eat. But we don't want him to go into renal failure or something bad to happen to him. So they've only given him half of his treatment a couple of times which is throwing us way off schedule. He has a long treatment tomorrow, another treatment that I'm taking him to next Tuesday, then a week off..and we'll see what happens then. As soon as we finish chemo, we will have to start radiation five days a week and we aren't sure how many weeks he will have to do that yet. Then after all of that... We still have the aortic aneurysm to deal with!!! He's so weak and he gets out of breath with minimum steps so PLEASE keep my sweet Granddaddy and MeMaw in your prayers. She is almost as bad as him.. It kills her to see him feel like he does. She cries more now than ever!!!!
I've been horrible about taking pictures of Garrett and posting them... especially editing them! I'm just so busy!!!! But he did finger paint back on September 9, 2010 for the first time.. he wasn't sure what to think about it! But he liked mushing the paint in his fingers.. not too much on the paper though! He was putting it on his diaper, table, chair, belly... everywhere but the paper almost! HAHA. Here is a picture from the finger painting:
He says "Momma, I'm DONE!! You better get me down!" - He slung paint on his face! LOL!
I can't believe my boy is going to be two in only three months!! I've officially decided that his birthday party theme is going to be "Finding Nemo" because he LOVE LOVE LOVES that movie. And I ran into a cake the other day online with Finding Nemo theme and that's when I just knew that was it!!! I started looking for things to design his party invitations with as well!!! And I found a cute kit.. just gotta start working on it!!! I was looking for what I wanted our Christmas cards to look like too... From Halloween until after Garrett's birthday party in January... thinks are just HECTIC!!! It's non-stop.. Planning Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Years, then Garrett's birthday... Man, it's stressing me out just thinking about it!! Good thing I'm a little "plan-ahead" type person. Getting started ahead of time this year! Ha.
And if anyone who doesn't really know me that stops by - I am a Scentsy Consultant and I am doing a giveaway this month! Anyone who orders $25 (before taxes and shipping) this month is entered to win a full-size Scentsy "Charity" warmer with their choice of one Scentsy bar! It's over $35 value!! The warmer is one of my favorites!! It's a beautiful rustic cross warmer!! Check out my website! If you want to order anything, you can click on "Buy from party" under "Open Parties" on my home page: https://andreaneal.scentsy.us/Home
Thanks for reading! I hope to keep this up and find more interesting things to post about!!!! I've thought about doing recipe tutorials or something fun!!!! Who knows!!!
Hey its me Courtney!!! I found your blog...its to cute. I personally dont think you should worrie about Garrett...i think boys just dont talk as much. My mother in law told me that my husband when he was 2 or so said 3 words. And one of them was pretty colorful...hahah....so dont worrie he will be just fine!!! Love the blog I will for sure keep on following it!
I know so many Courtney's!! I'm not sure which one you are!!!! HAHA.. But thanks and I'd love more followers!!! :)
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